Yahoo's strange new chat app combines text and silent video

1Yahoo's Livetext app combines traditional text messages with a silent video feed.
2Yahoo is quite late to the world of mobile messaging, but you've got to give the company some credit: The new chat service it finally debuted on Wednesday sure is different from the rest of them.
3The app, Livetext, combines traditional text messages with a silent video feed between the two people chatting.
4You read that right - video, but no sound.
5Yahoo says it wants Livetext to be used for quick sessions just like regular texting, but with the emotions conveyed by seeing a person's face.
6Eliminating audio means you can use it anywhere - in a meeting, on a noisy street, during class, on a train.
7"It's a new way to communicate: casual text on top of video," Arjun Sethi, a senior director of product management at Yahoo and head of the Livetext project, said in an interview.
8As Facebook, Google, Tencent and WhatsApp introduced mobile chat apps in recent years and gained hundreds of millions of users, Yahoo floundered in its attempts to update its Yahoo Messenger service, a web service designed a generation ago.
9Last year, Yahoo essentially gave up and stopped updating Messenger's mobile apps.
10Livetext is something different, based on technology developed by MessageMe, a start-up co-founded by Sethi that was acquired by Yahoo last fall.
11It combines elements of video chats with the disappearing nature of Snapchat messages.
12"The key thing for us was to make this as simple as possible," said Adam Cahan, Yahoo's senior vice president of video, design and emerging products, in an interview.
13As Yahoo developed the product, engineers tested it at Ohio State University and the University of California at Santa Barbara, and also offered it to groups of high school students.
14In the last few weeks, the company began offering the app publicly in mobile app stores in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Ireland.
15The company was impressed with the results.
16"When somebody first tries it, there is a bit of a moment of 'Aha! I didn't expect that,'" Cahan said.
17Cahan said the choice to exclude sound, as odd as it appears, was deliberate.
18"I can barely ever use a video chat experience," he said.
19"I feel like I need to make an appointment with someone."
20Silent video, on the other hand, can be used in almost any situation where text chats are possible, with the added bonus of conveying a person's emotions and a sense of place.
21Sethi said the company found that video also made chats more memorable by associating them with a person's face.
22Video isn't saved on the phone or by Yahoo.
23And unlike competing products such as Google Hangouts, Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp, the texts disappear once the chat session is ended.
24The app will be released in iOS and Android app stores on Thursday in the United States, Britain, Canada, Germany and France.
25Yahoo has not yet detailed plans to bring it to Australia.
26Sethi acknowledged that users have many messaging apps to choose from.
27"Is this a new form of communication? Have we hit the opportunity well?" he said.