Nigeria appoints new leader in fight against Boko Haram

1LAGOS, Nigeria -- Nigeria's Defense Ministry has appointed a new general to head the multinational army to fight Boko Haram.
2Thursday's appointment comes as the West African nation's new president promises deeper collaboration with neighboring states in the fight against Islamic extremism.
3President Muhammadu Buhari headed home Thursday after two days of talks in Yaounde, Cameroon, focused on Boko Haram.
4Its attacks have spread across Nigeria's borders and forced tens of thousands of refugees to flee to neighboring states.
5Nigeria's Defense Ministry announced Thursday that Maj. Gen. Iliyasu Isah Abbah will command the 8,700-strong four-nation army based in N'Djamena, Chad's capital.
6Buhari has said it is a disgrace that Nigeria needs foreign troops on its soil.
7But he noted before leaving Cameroon that "none of us can succeed alone."