US warns of sharp rise in separatist attacks in Ukraine

1WASHINGTON (AP) - The United States says Ukrainian rebels launched more attacks over the last three days than any similar time period since February, in what may be an escalating effort by Russian-backed militants to destabilize Ukraine's Western-backed government.
2State Department spokesman John Kirby says the attacks include a heavy artillery assault on a southeastern Ukraine town.
3Kirby says since Saturday, three soldiers have been killed and 35 wounded in 127 distinct separatist attacks reported by Ukraine.
4Kirby on Monday said the separatists and Moscow cannot "talk peace and then fight" and urged both sides to adhere to a February cease-fire agreement.
5He also expressed concern about an arson attack in eastern Ukraine on four armored cars operated by a European observer mission.
6Ukraine's conflict has killed some 6,400 people since April 2014.