1 | LOS ANGELES - How do you express laughter in a Facebook post? |
2 | By saying LOL, HaHa or HeHe? |
3 | How do you laugh on Facebook? |
4 | A link has been posted to your Facebook feed. |
5 | The folks at Facebook recently crunched the numbers of the billions of daily posts to see how its members expressed their humor, and they found that 15% use laughter of some kind in a post. |
6 | At one point, the acronym surely would have been LOL, for laughing out loud, but that's now so 2010. |
7 | Today it's all about Haha, which was expressed in 51% of the posts as the laughter of choice, followed by an emoji symbol at 33.7%, 13.1% for HeHe and just 1.9%--that's right, less than 2% for LOL. |
8 | Facebook looked at posts in May to come up with these conclusions, and also researched specific cities, to see if there was the difference in outcomes. |
9 | And there were. |
10 | HaHa reigned supreme in Seattle, while emojis clicked in Chicago, and HeHe in San Francisco. |
11 | While we wanted to get the funeral procession going for LOL, it still has its fans--in Phoenix. |
12 | Guess the desert community just hasn't caught up with the rest of the world. |
13 | A quick note that the desktop version of Facebook doesn't offer many opportunities to attach digital laughs, beyond the ones cited here. |
14 | But if you really want to make a go for it, you need to go to the Facebook Messenger mobile app, where not only are there tons of way more emoji syymbols available for your posts, you can also record yourself laughing with an audio clip to include in a message. |
15 | Now that's what I call Laughing Out Loud. for real. |
16 | How do you laugh in your online posts? |