1 | Heidi Klum has ridiculed Donald Trump after the presidential candidate said she was "sadly no longer a 10" in a sexist remark about her looks. |
2 | “Sometimes I do go a little bit far,” he said in an interview with the New York Times, in which he insisted he was not a misogynist. |
3 | “Heidi Klum. |
4 | She is then approached from behind by a man in a Trump mask, who rips off the "10" to reveal a "9.99" underneath. |
5 | The 42-year-old shrugs and then smiles and carries on with the photoshoot. |
6 | Several people tweeted their approval with the hashtag #heiditrumpstrump. |
7 | During the first Republican television debate earlier this month, Trump suggested that popular Fox News moderator Megyn Kelly had "blood coming out of her wherever" when she took a forceful line of questioning to him. |
8 | Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said Trump had gone "way overboard - offensive, outrageous". |
9 | Last month he seized on the suspected murder of a young American woman by an illegal immigrant as a justification for his claim that "a lot" of Mexican immigrants are criminals and rapists. |
10 | He has previously been offensive about Klum. |